Monday, September 04, 2006

Secretary Gutierrez visits Colorado Springs

Secretary Gutierrez visits Colorado Springs
“We need workers” - that was the message related to Secretary Carlos Gutierrez at a round table discussion held at the Broadmoor on Monday.
“We have jobs in our country, that American citizens either don’t want to do or aren’t available to do, but need to get done.”
Stephen Bartolin, Jr. President & CEO of the Broadmoor stated the Seasonal Worker Visa (H2B) program is needed. “Without the Seasonal Worker Visa, I’m not sure what we would do. These are not minimum wage jobs we offer,” stated Bartolin, “the average housekeeper is going to make $10 an hour with a healthcare, dental and vision plan. All of that is there. But we can’t find anyone who wants to make up 12 rooms a day; work in the laundry or the golf course.”
The President of the Colorado hotel and Lodging Association reminded all that some business can outsource, but “you can’t clean a room from India”
Over all, the group was in concert that a guest worker program such as H2B is sorely needed.